La European Biosafety Association (EBSA) anuncia su 19º Congreso anual a celebrar en Lille, Francia del 19 al 22 de abril. En la noticia adjunta podeis encontrar toda la información del Congreso

In just two months EBSA‘s 19th Annual Conference in Lille will be starting (http://www.ebsaweb.eu/EBSA_19)! This is a unique chance to meet friends and colleagues of the biosafety and biosecurity community. EBSA’s conferences are the main opportunities in Europe to strengthen your network and to discuss new emerging trends and techniques.

The Conference Programme Working Group (CPWG) has compiled a very interesting variety of preconference courses and conference presentations. This year you will hear brand new information on biosafety aspects of gene therapy, working with plants or animals, applied biosafety and much more (http://www.ebsaweb.eu/ebsa19-conference-programme

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