Próxima conferencia anual de EBSA, 21 y 22 abril en Lille

Los días 21 y 22 de abril se celebrará en Lille la 19 Conferencia Anual de la Asociación Europea de Bioseguridad (European Biosafety Association), la principal oportunidad para estrechar lazos con otros profesionales de la bioseguridad europea y discutir sobre nuevas tendencias, problemáticas y técnicas emergentes.

Para tener más detalles de la amplia variedad de cursillos previos a la conferencia y de las propias comunicaciones de la conferencia, con ponencias que cubren aspectos muy diversos como la bioseguridad en la terapia génica, la bioseguridad en el trabajo con animales y plantas, la bioseguridad aplicada, disponibilidad de agentes desinfectantes, selección de personal atendiendo a la bioprotección, e incluso una conferencia de clausura sobre el virus Zika Is Zika virus infection a risk for Europe?  What we know or don’t know, puede consultarse el enlace

Los organizadores avisan que la disponibilidad de hoteles con tarifas reducida para el congreso es limitada.

Para más información sobre esta reunión anual, o sobre la propia EBSA, consultar:

Dear colleagues, in just two months EBSA‘s 19th Annual Conference in Lille will be starting (! I am sure that you do not want to miss this unique chance to meet friends and colleagues of the biosafety and biosecurity community. EBSA’s conferences are the main opportunities in Europe to strengthen your network and to discuss new emerging trends and techniques.

The Conference Programme Working Group (CPWG) has compiled a very interesting variety of preconference courses and conference presentations. This year you will hear brand new information on biosafety aspects of gene therapy, working with plants or animals, applied biosafety and much more (

Please do not wait too long to register for the conference. There are still a few hotels available with special reduced rates, but, as always, the best deals are sold out first.
To spread this information, it would be fantastic, if you could make some advertising for the conference. You all are part of National Biosafety Organizations and/or EBSA’s Partners. Please place the link for the event on your organization’s website and take up the announcement of the conference into your calendars. We have so many ways to communicate and to stay in contact (LinkedIn, Facebook), that it should be easy to promote this highlight of the Biosafety year 2016!

I definitely hope to seeing you all in Lille!

Best regards,
Joerg M. Schibel, EBSA Council Member
Uwe Müller-Doblies, EBSA President 2016
09:00 Welcome
09:15 Louis Pasteur and the microbiological risk
Keynote – Patrick Berche, Pasteur Institute
09:45 Book presentation
René Courcol, Institut de Microbiologie, Lille
10:00 Coffee break + exhibition

Parallel session 1 Biosafety aspects of gene therapy
Parallel session 2 Working with plants or animals

10:30 Replication-competent viruses in cancer gene therapy: biosafety considerations
Rob C. Hoeben, Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden , Netherlands EPPO and ensuring plant health in a world without borders
Françoise Petter, EPPO, Paris, France
11:00 Environmental Risk Assessment of Replication Competent Viral Vectors Applied in Gene Therapy
Danielle Horst Taking stock of the environmental risk asessment of GM plants
Patrick Rüdelsheim, Perseus, Belgium
11:30 Environmental risk assessment for gene and cell therapy products: critical issues for CT and MA applications
Ursula Jenal
Keeping them in or out? Control of aerosols in loose housed versus caged laboratory research animals for HPAI studies
Henriette Schubert

12:00 Lunch + exhibition
13:00 Risk reduction and best energy savings by membrane air filtration technology for biosafety environments
Title tbc

Actini SAS
Selection criteria for Effluent          Poster presentation
Decontamination Systems
PRI Bio              
13:30 Sponsor presentation Sponsor presentation Sponsor presentation                           Poster presentation
14:00 Chris Collins LectureTBC
15:00 Coffee break + exhibition

Session 3 Applied biosafety
15:30 How REACH impacts biosafety practices, Heather Sheeley (UK)
16:00 Performance testing and validation, Evelien Kampert (RIVM, NL)
16:30 Alternatives to heat inactivation – challenges in demonstrating effectivity, Claudia Bagutti
17:00 Annual General Meeting of EBSA
19:30 Conference Dinner

Friday, 22 April 2016
08:30 Coffee
09:00 Joint training for health threats caused by accidental or intentional release of biological agents, Cornelius Bartels (ECDC, SE)
Session 4 Applied biosafety

 09:30 Validation of a novel contained aerosol transmission system
Simon Parks
10:00 European Research Infrastructure on Higly-pathogenic Agents  (ERINHA)
Hervé Raoul
10:30 Coffee break + exhibition

Session 5 Break-out discussion groups
  Break-out 1: DIY Bio (discussion) 1.Niek D’Hondt (ReaGent)
2.Jonathan Ferooz (DIYBIO)
   Break-out 2: Biosecurity – Personnel screening (discussion) 1.Guy Collyer
   Break-out 3: Availabilty of disinfectants for biosafe practices (Discussion) 1.Allen Bennett
   Break-out 4: Risk assessment of cell lines (Tool box) 1.Otto-Wilhelm Merten (Généthon, France)
2.Glynn Stacey (UK Stem Cell Bank, UK)
  Break-out5: Country support strategies for providing joint training for health threats caused by release of biological agents 1.Cornelius Bartels (ECDC, SE)
2.Amanda Ozin-Hofsaess (ECDC, SE)
   Break-out X: Organizational meeting (National organisations & Workgroups)
12:30 Lunch + exhibition

Session 6 Debate session Same problem, new name?

13:30 Introduction: Setting the stage
Patrick Rüdelsheim (moderator)
13:40 New breeding techniques, Ana Atanassova (Bayer, BE)
14:00 Converting recombinant viruses into genome editing devices
Manuel A.F.V. Gonçalves, Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden , Netherlands
14:20 ‘Risk assessment concerning Synthetic Bioloy’ performed by the European Commission Scientific Committees Prof. Michelle Epstein, Member of EU Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENHIR)
14:40 Dialogue “Setting the stage”
Closing session

15:30 Is Zika virus infection a risk for Europe?  What we know or don’t know.
Herve Zeller, ECDC, Head of Disease Programme Emerging and Vector-borne Diseases
16:00 Closing – Gijsbert van Willigen, EBSA President 2016

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